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Simplify Your Approach to Cueing Yoga Classes

The KEY Cueing™ Course

Join today!

Discover the art of impactful cueing through this thoughtfully crafted
5-lesson mini-training.
*CEU certificate available upon completion.

for a limited time

The KEY Cueing™ Course

Normally: $350  

Sale price: $97

OR (two Payments of $55)

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 A simplified approach to cueing that keeps your yoga classes engaging and your students focused.

One time offer!


What about a catalog of cues at your fingertips that you can quickly use to build your class sequences upon?

The Key Cueing Catalog has over 60+ cues within a variety of yoga pose examples that reflect how you can infuse the KEY Cueing™ Essentials into the classes you teach right away!

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One time offer ...
ONLY $23

Normally: $69 

Only $23! You can’t buy this
from anywhere else
at this price point!
sandy raper photo

Hi, I'm Sandy Raper!

I am a yoga teacher and mentor, as well as, an entrepreneur, podcast host and author. I have supported a thriving career teaching yoga for over two decades. I am passionate about equipping yoga teachers with highly-effective tools while also mentoring teachers from around the globe to develop their own successful teaching careers.


I created the Key Cueing™ Course because effective communication

is an essential teaching skill that all yoga teachers must enhance to lead

impactful yoga classes!

The proven principles, methods, and approaches 

that I teach you in this course will:

🗝 Teach you a simplified approach so you can cue yoga poses the

same way every time.


🗝 Inject confidence into your communication skills.

🗝 Up-level your ability to facilitate and meet the needs

of the students in your classes.

How do I know they're proven?

...Because I have experienced first-hand success implementing them and I am confident that you will find the same success!

Ready to grab this special offer?

Simplify the Cueing Process Today!

how it would feel …

just imagine

Going into every class you teach confident and assured with a catalog of cues that will support the needs of your students.


Trusting that the language and cues you use will direct and lead students through a successful and impactful class experience.

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You don't have to wish or wait for this to happen.

You just need the right tools and strategies...

Get started today!

Normally: $350  

Sale price: $87

OR (two Payments of $50)

So what's inside of the KEY Cueing™ Course:

Lesson One: 5-Step Communication Framework

Unlock the secrets of effective communication. Lay a firm foundation for confident cueing, ensuring you never wonder what to say or how to say it again.

Lesson Two: Unlock Cueing Essentials 

Quickly implement a proven method that lessens doubt and instills assurance and confidence in your language. Elevate your teaching approach from the very beginning.

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Lesson ThreePriority of Action Strategy

Develop a strategic approach to cueing, knowing exactly what cues to use and when. Set yourself up for success by consistently cueing poses in a way that resonates with your students.

Lesson FourStudent-Centric Cueing

Organize and arrange cues to meet the diverse needs of your students. Empower them individually, fostering autonomy in their practice experience.

Lesson FiveRefinement and Recall

Maximize the application and absorption of key cueing essentials with a refinement strategy and the recall method. Ensure lasting impact and growth in your teaching journey.

 Who is the KEY Cueing™ Course for:

 The KEY Cueing™ Course is designed for every yoga teacher.

 Yes! Every yoga teacher, regardless of how much or how

little teaching experience you have.

New Yoga Teacher

Knowing what to say, why to say it and when is vital as you begin teaching. The KEY Cueing™ Course is going to become a valuable resource and reference tool for you in the development of your teaching skillset!

Seasoned Yoga Teacher

What we say matters and ongoing refinement in cueing is a necessity if you desire to create longevity teaching yoga. The KEY Cueing™ Course is a valuable addition to the resources in your teaching toolbox!

Join me today!

Don't miss this opportunity to simplify your approach to cueing

and create a lasting impact on your students.

Join the Key Cueing™ Course and unlock the simplicity and ease of cueing your classes!

key cueing course logo

What's Inside:

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Key CUEING Framework...

...lessons to unlock the mystery  of cueing in 5 days ...

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The Centerpiece 

…proprietary tool for reading and cueing yoga poses the same way, every time you teach.

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Pose Principles...


approach for using cues to meet student needs ...

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...refinement tool for gleaning and cleaning up your language and evaluating cues.

Recall & Refinement 

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...maximize application & absorption unlocking the key essentials of cueing.

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10 Keys
for Essential Cueing the end of this course you will

unlock the mystery 

of essential cueing.

KEY Cueing Course FAQ's

Q: What if I have just started teaching ... is this course right for me?

A: YES! This course is for new and seasoned yoga teachers - essentially, the KEY Cueing Course will become a valuable resource in your teaching toolbox regardless of how little or how much teaching experience you have.

Q: How long will this course take to complete?

A:  The course is self-paced and you can easily complete the course in 3 days or less. The course consists of 5 pre-recorded lessons and application exercises that will support you in implementing the 10 Key Cueing Essentials right away ...and as soon as the next class you teach!

Q: What if I don't have a lot of time to complete the course? and how is the course organized?

A:  The KEY Cueing Course is a self-paced course that is organized into 5 pre-recorded lessons with application and refinement exercises included so that you can absorb and apply the content at the pace. You can quickly complete the course in as little as 5 days or take as long as you need to complete because you will have lifetime access.

Q: What is included in the course?

A:  The course is broken down into 5 pre-recorded video lessons, a downloadable workbook and presented with informational slides to create ease in note-taking and absorption of all that I will be sharing and teaching you. You will also have access to the KEY Cueing Course Group where you can ask questions and receive additional support within the course.

Q: Can I receive CEU hours for completing this course?

A:  Yes! A certificate will be issued upon the completion of the course. You then have the opportunity to submit the certificate for 3 non-contact continuing education credit hours with Yoga Alliance in the United States. If you live outside the US, please ask your equivalent organization to confirm acceptance of digital training as non-contact hours.

Q: How long will I have access to the KEY CueingTM course?

A:  Lifetime access!

Join The Key Cueing™ Course today!​

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how to get started

  1. Register and access the course today ... click here

  2. Check your inbox for the login information so you can get started right away!

  3. Follow the Key Cueing™ Framework of lessons and start integrating the 10 KEY Cueing™ Essentials right away into your classes.

  4. Unlock and implement cueing essentials right away using the easy-to-use application and refinement strategies found in the course.

Grab this special offer today!

Normally: $350  

Sale Price: $87

OR (two Payments of $50)

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